
Central Government Introduces Three Major Scholarship Schemes for Minorities

The Union Ministry of Minority Affairs is up accord educational empowerment to minority communities by implementing pre-matric, post-matric and merit-cum-means based scholarship schemes for them.

As per Press Information Bureau, the ministry has provided this information, saying that the post-matric scholarship scheme is meant to encourage students to pursue technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres by granting higher amount of scholarships.

The Merit-cum-means based scholarship scheme would encourage students to pursue professional and technical courses as under this scheme, students getting enrolled in reputed yet listed institutes will be reimbursed with full course fee.

Also, minority scholars will be endowed with Maulana Azad National Fellowships to pursue higher and professional courses at M Phil and Ph D levels. 

Apart from scholarships, the ministry has also come up with Multi-Sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) that will ensure necessary infrastructure for education and skill development in the identified minority concentration areas. Under MsDP, 117 ITIs, 44 polytechnics, 645 hostels, 1092 school buildings, and 20656 additional class rooms have been sanctioned so far.

To ensure suitable employment for minority youths, the ministry has turned up with a scheme -- 'Seekho aur Kamao', under which training is imparted to them for upgrading their skills in various modern/ traditional occupations.

The ministry has also introduced a faculty development project called ‘Nalanda' for minority managed institutions involved in higher education.
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