
Career Avenues with Cyber Law

In the era of gadgets and internet, our societies are information societies and all the space has become cyber space. All our transactions are done over internet and connectivity determines the reach. E-Business, e-Governance, e-Procurement, e-Baking, e-Commerce and so on… over time, the internet based services have grown in manifold and every thing now is at our door step. Adding to this, social networking has created an extended personal space into this virtual world. Today, a whole new world operates within the cyber space.

With the ease it has, cyber space also brought few misfits. The growing numbers of users have also led to internet based frauds and crimes. These crimes have ranged from hacking, blackmailing, piracy and pornography to frauds related to credit cards, copy rights and trademarks.

In our day to day life, we read several reports such as - a corporate employee making a complaint about his lost of Rs. 30,000 from his bank account, other film star complaining about a fake account being operated on her identity in a social networking site or a college going youngster complaining about the pornographic content being sent to her mail every day.

Above are few simple and regular instances of cyber crimes. More of the sorts are growing day by day and the growing need for experts in Cyber Law. This article sheds light on the career possibilities with Cyber Law.

Skill Set for Careers in Cyber law:
  • Skills of problem identification and analysis
  • Problem solving skills
  • Detailed knowledge of Cyber Law at national and international levels
  • Skills of adapting to the fast changes and updating in technology

The Indian Scenario:
According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) while 1,791 cyber crimes were registered in the country in 2011, the number has grown to 2,876 in 2012. With this growing rate of cyber crimes, the central government has recently asked the governments of states and union territories to establish cyber police stations and arrange basic resources to identify, record, investigate and prosecute the cyber crimes. This in-turn has raised the need for more and more professionals of cyber law, and opened wide avenues for them.

Programmes of Cyber Law:
There are wide ranging Diploma, PG Diploma and Post Graduate programmes in Cyber Law on offer from different universities across the country. Here are some of the prominent institutions that are offering programmes on Cyber Law:
  • Centre for Distance Education, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Website: www.uohyd.ac.in
While some of the institutions are offering the programmes in regular mode, others are offering them in distance and online modes.

Eligibility Criteria:
Minimum eligibility for joining a diploma in Cyber Law would be intermediate or equivalent education. The same should be a graduate in case of joining for a PG Diploma in Cyber Law. Application for a Post Graduation would need LL.B. or equivalent degree. Though a few institutions are providing direct admissions, one has to clear certain qualifying entrance examinations in case if joining the other institutes.

For instance, aspirants need to qualify a 100 marks written test for joining the PG Diploma in Cyber Law at Osmania University. The question would cover current affairs, commerce, science, arts and awareness in Law.

Contents of the Programme:
Technology and Cyber world are two in the same. Hence the practitioners of Cyber Law ought to have a firm grip on aspects of technology. The curriculums of various institutes are prepared in concern with this. The programme contents include Concepts of Law and Technology, Law of Digital Contracts, Intellectual Property in Cyber Space, Netizen Rights, e-Governance, The Information Technology Act, Cyber Laws (National & International) and Concepts related to Copy Rights, Patents, Data base and Trade Marks.

Following are a few concepts from the curriculum of PGD in Cyber Law at Nalsar Law University, Hyderabad.
  • Defining Cyber Space – Jurisdiction of Cyber Space
  • Understanding Electronic Contract
  • Types of Electronic Contract
  • Cyber Contracts and Indian Legal Position
  • Understanding Copy Rights in IT
  • Legal Issues in Internet and Software Copy Rights
  • Patents, Trade Marks and Data base
  • E-Commerce, e-Banking, e-Governance and Cyber Crimes
As an add-on for better careers…
Programmes and courses on cyber law would work as an impetus for better career of present practitioners. It would also provide career opportunities for:
  • IT Students
  • IT Professionals
  • Police and Officials of Law Enforcement
  • Professionals of IT Security
  • Network and Systems Administrators
  • Professionals and Students of Management
  • Charted Accountants
  • Company Secretaries
  • Students of Commerce
Career Prospects with Cyber Law:
Career avenues for the students of Cyber Law are vast today. With the increased cyber crimes and use of internet, both the government and private agencies are instituting separate units to deal with these discrepancies. This has opened the opportunities for the graduates of Cyber Law in various areas, like:
  • Law and Order
  • Security and Surveillance
  • IT House
  • Corporate Houses
  • Banks and Financial Institutes
  • Law Schools and Universities
  • Technology Based Organisations
Job types:
Cyber Law gradates have most prospects in IT related areas. A degree in Law would act as an added advantage. Here underneath are few prospective job types for the students of Cyber Law:
  • Cyber Consultant
  • Legal Adviser
  • Legal Executive/ Law Officer/ Legal Secretary
  • Cyber Forensic Expert
  • Cyber Research Managers
  • Internet Research Assistants
  • Advisers to Web-Developers
  • Security Auditors
  • Students of Cyber Law with independent Degree in Law can initiate their own-practice in Law
Pay bands:
Salaries and pay bands would relay on the educational qualification, work potential and organization the candidate working with.
  • Starting monthly pay for a cyber law graduate might range in between Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 25,000.
  • Consultants for Corporates or law firms may get a pay between Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 25,000per month.
  • Employment positions which need experience and expertise may give a monthly pay over Rs. 40,000.
  • Candidates with better potential and communication skill can expect the prospects abroad also.
Interest towards Cyber Law is thriving fast:
The contribution of information technology in the progress of the any society is vital. The fast spreading internet based services like e-Governance and e-Commerce of the present day signify this development. On the other hand, the misuse of modern technology has resulted in new and fast growing crimes. This has led to the increased demand for experts in Cyber Law. Keeping these developments in light, various institutes across the nation have come up with academic programmes in Cyber Law. Law Department of Osmania University offers a year long PG Diploma in Cyber Law Programme. It has 80 available seats, to be filled through a qualifying exam conducted by the university. The programme trains students on primary concepts of Communication and Technology along with the Electronic Contracts, e-Governance, e-Commerce, Information Technology Act, Cyber Laws (National & International), Copy Rights, Patents, Trade Marks and Data base. Students on completion have job prospects in Banking, IT, Police Department and Corporate related areas. Most operations of firms today are based on technology. Cyber Law experts need to examine Net Banking, Software Patents, Copy rights and other related operations. They have employment avenues both in government and private services. Those potential professionals with better adaptability to the changing technology and laws, with confidence and problem solving skills, can proliferate to heights in this line.

- Dr. Vijaya Laxmi, Vice- Principal,
University College of Law, Osmania University.
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