
Prasar Bharati walkin drive " Programmer/Content Manager/ CreativeEditor" for B.E/B.Tech/MCA graduates,Delhi- 20 June 2014


    Prasar Bharati is a statutory autonomous body established under the Prasar Bharati Act and came into existence on 23.11.1997. It is the Public Service Broadcaster of the country. The objectives of public service broadcasting are achieved in terms of Prasar Bharati Act through All India Radio and Doordarshan, which earlier were working as media units under the Ministry of I&B and since the above said date became constituents of Prasar Bharati.

    Candidate Profile:

    Company Name:
    Prasar Bharati
    Job Role:
    Programmer/Content Manager/ Creative Editor
    Job Location
    Across India
    Rs.15000 - Rs 20000 per Month
    Last Date:
    20 June 2014
    How To Apply: 
    Interested and eligible candidates walkin to the following venue on 20th June, 2014 at 11.30 AM

    Walkin Location:  
    Conference Room,
    6th Floor, Tower-A,
    DG : Doordarshan,
    Doordarshan Bhavan,
    New Delhi - 110 001


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