
Central Bank of India Recruiting LLB/CA Graduates "Managers", Last Date: 02 June 2014


Company Profile: Central Bank of India is a government-owned bank, is one of the oldest and largest commercial banks in India. It is based in Mumbai. The bank has 4600 branches and 4 extension counters across 27 Indian states and three Union Territories. At pressent, Central Bank of India has overseas office at Nairobi, Hongkong and a joint venture with Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, and the Zambian government. The Zambian government holds 40 per cent stake and each of the banks has 20 per cent. Recently it has also opened a representative office at Nairobi, Kenya.

Candidate Profile:


      Company Name:
      Central Bank of India
      Job Role:
      Job Location
      1-3 Years
      As Per Industry Standards
      Last Date:
      02 June 2014
      How To Apply:  
      Candidates have to send their application in hard copy in the prescribed format attached as Annexure I only by speed or registered post or courier at the following Registered Office of the Company

      Postal Address:  
      Centbank Financial Services Limited
      15-16 Bajaj Bhawan, 

      1st Floor, Nariman Point, 
      Opp Inox Multiplex
      Mumbai – 400021 (Maharashtra)
      Contact: 022 2202 2788


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