
Canara Bank Recruitment-2014 “Specialist Officer” for Any Graduates, Across India, Last Date: 22 February 2014

Company Name:
Canara Bank

Job Role:
Specialist Officers - 116 Vacancies
Any Graduate
Freshers / Experienced
Last Date:
22 February 2014
Job Location:
Across India
INR 19,400 – 28,100 PM
Job/Candidate Profile:
  • Any Graduates (Engineering / Commerce / Arts)
  • COMPUTER LITERACY: Operating & working knowledge in computer systems shall be an essential qualification for the post.
  • HINDI KNOWLEDGE: The candidates shall acquire working knowledge of Hindi, if not possessed already, before completion of probationary period.
How To Apply:
  1. The eligible candidate can download the challan from our website www.canarabank.com and pay the amount at any branch of Canara Bank or paying the amount by NEFT from any Bank / On-line Banking.
  2. Candidates are required to visit the Bank’s website www.canarabank.com –Careers - Recruitment Know More - Recruitment Project – 1/2014 and apply for the concerned post. Alternatively, candidates can click the link “Recruitment” scrolling in the “Announcement” column & click on appropriate project link.
  3. Candidates should fill all the details in the on-line application Transaction No. should be correctly filled in the application at appropriate place and uploads your scanned photo and signature.
  4. Application should be printed with photo and signature, to be kept ready for submission at the time of interview at the Interview Venue.
  5. Candidate should note your Registration No. and Password for future reference and use.

Venue Date & Location:
Will be informed Later

Official Notification: Click Here

To Apply: Click Here

Company Profile:

Canara Bank was founded by Shri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, a great visionary and philanthropist, in July 1906, at Mangalore, then a small port town in Karnataka. The Bank has gone through the various phases of its growth trajectory over hundred years of its existence. Growth of Canara Bank was phenomenal, especially after nationalization in the year 1969, attaining the status of a national level player in terms of geographical reach and clientele segments. Eighties was characterized by business diversification for the Bank. In June 2006, the Bank completed a century of operation in the Indian banking industry.

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